
We are two writers who helped our fathers move out of the houses they had lived in for several decades—the homes we grew up in—to apartments. Both of us come from families of savers so the houses were very full. The task was, in a word, overwhelming, and we decided to write a book about it.

We are Linda Hetzer (lindahetzer.com) and Janet Hulstrand (wingedwordseditoral.wordpress.com) and we would love to hear your stories.

Watch our video here.

12 Responses

  1. Well done Linda and Janet.
    A subject close to my heart, indeed!
    Best wishes,
    Marcia Muskat

  2. Hi Linda & Janet- I’m casting a series for OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network, called “Enough Already! with Peter Waslh”. We are looking for people who are ready to finally deal with their clutter. I’d love to get a blurb or flyer to you if you can share w/ your readers! Thank you!

  3. I love your book. I am an organizer and an organizer coach who works with people in mid/late life transitions – including downsizing and downsizing-in-place. I often suggest your book often in my classes and I use the keepers/throwers quote from your book for group discussion. Works just beautiful to help people understand the other perspective. Thank you for writing the book.

    • Sue, Thank you so much for your kind words about our book. It’s great that Moving On is helpful to you in your work. We wrote our book because we knew from our own experiences just how overwhelming this process can be, in hopes that it would help others in like situations. It is always so nice to hear from people who have used the book that in fact it has achieved this goal! Thanks so much for taking the time to write. JH

  4. Just found your blog(s) via you on Twitter 🙂 Your book sounds awesome!

    This is such a relevant topic — I wrote a post ‘end of an era’ on my blog re clearing my mother’s / my chilhood home – at http://mysydneyparislife.wordpress.com/2008/11/25/end-of-an-era-54-years-and-4-generations-in-31-days/

    Look forward to reading more here! Cheers an happy downsizing.

    • Carolyn, Thanks for your kind words about our book. Your blog post was so poignant and reminds me so much of emptying my childhood home, the house where my father lived for more than 50 years. So much stuff, so many memories.

  5. Hi Linda & Janet,
    I’m so glad I found your site. I’m looking forward to reading your book. We’re in the middle of our own downsizing and although we’ve given away tons of books to our local library, we are still awash in the ones that I wasn’t (yet) able to let go. It is an interesting process to say the least!
    I have been writing about this topic quite a bit as we go slowly try to get organized. Here’s a link to one post that I’m sure you’ll both relate to 🙂

  6. Hi Linda & Janet.

    This is a great book….and as soon as I am ready, I will refer to it for every item I pick up. Right now, I am at the stage when I pick up an item I think “What do Linda and Janet say I should do?” before I make the big mistake and put the item down. But I consider that progress. However, I have been organizing my yarn stash so I can sell it. Thanks for writing this much needed book.

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